About the Journal

The Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia is one of the premier epidemiologic journals dedicated to the publication of empirical research findings, opinion pieces, and methodological developments in the field of epidemiologic research. It was first published on the last of October 2022 and that will be published two times in a year (May and October). This journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA) to all works we publish.

It is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at both fellow epidemiologists and those who use epidemiologic data, including public health workers and clinicians. 

The scopes of Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia are:
1. Epidemiology of Communicable Disease;
2. Epidemiology of Non-communicable Disease;
3. Epidemiology Surveillance;
4. Outbreak Management;
5. Epidemiology of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases;
6. Disaster Management;
7. One Health and Zoonosis Diseases;
8. Health System and Health Policy;
9. Environmental Epidemiology;
10. Environmental Health.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia
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